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Diagnosis and treatment

Myopia is a defect in the refraction of the eye that produces a blurred vision of distant objects. Myopia is because the image is formed in front of the retina, either because the cornea or lens is very powerful or because the eye is longer than normal.


The main symptom of myopia is that the patient clearly sees nearby objects, but perceives blurry objects at a distance. Other frequent symptoms are headache, eye irritation, winks, approaching objects, eyestrain.


Myopia can be corrected by wearing glasses, contact lenses or surgery. Among the surgeries that exist for the treatment of myopia are corrective laser surgery (LASIK, PRK / LASEK, SMILE) or the implantation of an phakic intraocular lens (ICL).


Through a complete ophthalmologic exam you can assess and determine which is the best treatment for you.

Miopía: Text
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